Teachifly release notes

The latest product development releases, updates, and additions to the Teachifly platform and products.

Brought to you the by Teachifly Dev Team

Bug fixes

Sep 9, 2024

In this release, we addressed a time-related issue in the event drawer to ensure more accurate time selection and display.


  • All-Day Event Time Display: Resolved an issue where updating an event from an "All Day" event caused the end time dropdown to display seconds in the time selection.

Version: V.1.0.4-beta

Changes, improvements, and bug fixes

Aug 26, 2024

Alt text

This release focuses on optimization enhancements and UI refinements, particularly within the calendar and drawer views.


  • Button Sizes: Button sizes throughout the application have been optimized for a tighter, more compact appearance.
  • Event Creation Across All Calendar Views: Users can now create events from any calendar view, enhancing overall flexibility and usability.
  • GMT Display on Today Card: The GMT timezone has been added to the Today card in the side navigation for improved time zone awareness.


  • Start and End Time Configuration: Resolved an issue that prevented users from setting start or end times for events.
  • Unexpected Class Names in the DOM: Corrected an issue where unexpected class names were added to the DOM due to improper conditional rendering on the frontend.
  • Component Re-rendering: Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary component re-renders due to state inconsistencies.
  • Calendar Event Description Visibility: Addressed a problem where event descriptions in the daily calendar view were not displayed correctly due to overly long text.

Version: V.1.0.3-beta

Changes, improvements, and bug fixes

Aug 12, 2024

In this release, we've focused on enhancing performance, refining our user interface, and resolving key issues to improve your overall experience with Teachifly.


  • Deployment Pipeline Optimization: We've streamlined our deployment process to ensure timely and consistent releases, helping us deliver the best possible experience to you.
  • Logo Update: The Teachifly logo now features a ‘Beta’ tag, clearly indicating our public beta status to new users.


  • Event Index Display Issue: Fixed an issue where the index number of events appeared next to the event name in the weekly and daily views.
  • ‘Sign Up Now’ Button Visibility: Resolved an issue where the ‘Sign Up Now’ button disappeared from the website after deployment.
  • Cookie Pop-up Button Styles: Corrected a styling conflict that caused the buttons in the cookie pop-up to be missing.

Version: V.1.0.2-beta